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Suspended Sentence Indecent Images Children Crown Court 2024


Our client faced serious charges relating to an indecent image of a child.

Having been in a coercive relationship, the client was pressured and coerced into the offence and shared this image with her partner, who faced several other charges. Our client committed the offences out of coercion and had multiple character statements to illustrate her good character.

 Our client was therefore facing a potential range of 1 year to 3 years and 26 weeks of custody.

We submitted the client’s mitigating factors, namely the nature of her relationship, her remorse, and her evident good character. Our mitigation enabled a judgement to be passed of 46 weeks suspended for 18 months with unpaid work. This judgement was significantly lower than the starting point. 

We can accept instructions on a Legal Aid and Private basis.

It is considered an offence to take, to permit to be taken, to make, possess, show or distribute an image of a child posed or pictured indecently, for example, in a sexual way. This could also include images of adults involved in an indecent act where a child is present but not themselves portrayed indecently.

‘Making’ an indecent image does not just refer to a person taking a photo or video - it can also refer to a person downloading or printing an indecent image or opening an email attachment containing an indecent image.

An indecent image could refer to actual photographs or video footage, as well as drawings or tracings, or images created digitally.

When Finding the Best Police Station Solicitor note -

You are entitled to free and independent legal advice under legal aid for attendance for an interview at any Police Station.


You can also instruct us privately for an Enhanced Private Service.

All Funding options if charged with indecent image offences. 




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