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Not Guilty Attempted Murder 2020

R V RMM - The defendant was one of 13 young men charged with attempted murder and other charges arising out of an incident outside of the probation service and Brent Willesden magistrates court. 

On the face of the prosecutions case it appeared overwhelming but with a first class legal team we were able to demonstrate that the defendant was an innocent bystander. Extensive preparation by our experienced first-class legal team and barrister ensured the jury saw the true picture.

Our highly experienced trial counsel was able to exclude all reference as material to “gang evidence / drill music” relied upon by the crown. Careful scrutiny of all the CCTV footage meant that we were able to completely undermine the crowns case that our client had “summons others” to commit the offence. Outstanding preparation by James O’Donnell, Umar Zeb, and Malik Aldieri.
