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No Further Action Domestic Actual Bodily Harm Colindale Police Station 2024

No further action was taken against our client concerning allegations of actual bodily harm at Colindale Police Station in October 2024.

The allegation against our client was that she attacked her partner, and this led to her being arrested. The police stated that the victim was not willing to provide a statement or support the police at this time. Our client did not offer her version of events during consultation other than to deny the allegation. 

For our client to be found guilty of Actual Bodily Harm S47 of the Offences Against the Persons Act 1861 – The police/prosecution must prove -

There are defences available to an Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm. Defences can include self-defence, duress, necessity, or consent.

We advised our client to answer ‘no comment’ to the police questions in the interview. This would put the case to the police to prove, as there was a lack of evidence due to the victim not supporting the case. As a result of our advice, the police decided to take ‘no further action’ on the allegation. It is possible to incriminate yourself by commenting in a police interview even when the complainant has not given a statement.

The advice led the police to take no further action and prevent the matter from going to court.

We represent clients at Colindale Police Station 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our specialist defence solicitors have achieved many successful outcomes at Colindale Police Station.

At Colindale Police Station  JD Spicer Zeb Solicitors-

  1.  Provide Free and independent legal advice under legal aid for attendance for an interview at any Police Station.
  2. You can also instruct us on a Private Basis for an enhanced Private Service, including a meeting before and after the police station visit.


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