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What is upskirting and is it a criminal offence?

Upskirting may not be a term you are wholly familiar with. That said, it is important to understand what it is, especially if you find yourself accused of committing it. While Section 67 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 covered the broader offence of...

Criminal Expert Tackles Most Searched Online Safety Bill Questions

Umar Zeb, Senior Partner at JD Spicer Zeb, answers some of the top online searches relating to the Online Safety Bill. The Online Safety Bill is a new set of laws that intend to protect children and adults online. The bill imposes new legal requirements on...

What is voyeurism and is it a crime?

It is often obvious whether certain actions are considered to be a crime. However, there is often some misunderstanding over whether the act of voyeurism falls into this category. For many people, voyeurism may not be a term with which they are familiar. It...

Pre-charge bail and Released Under Investigation (RUI)

The systems of pre-charge bail and release under investigation (RUI) underwent significant changes in 2022 when Schedule 4 of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 came into effect. Here, we provide RUI and pre-charge bail guidance, discuss what...

Can mobile phone forensics be used for child sexual offence cases?

When someone is accused of a criminal offence, they may be subject to a digital forensics investigation. In child sexual offence investigations, mobile phone forensics are likely to be used by the police to obtain important evidence for a prosecution. In...

Can the police press charges without the victim's consent?

There are often scenarios where the victim of a crime does not wish to press charges against an alleged offender, or they change their mind after making a snap decision. We live in a world of CCTV and police body warn cameras. Recordings can provide...

Is sex in public a criminal offence in the UK?

Having sex in public is a taboo subject for many and, understandably, there is often some confusion over whether the act could be considered a criminal offence. It is important to remember that, even if you are not seen having sex by a member of the public,...

What are the benefits of turning yourself in to the police?

There may be certain scenarios where, if you believe that you have committed a crime, turning yourself in to the police would be beneficial. That said, it is important to understand where this would be the appropriate course of action and what the potential...

Road Casualties During December Average at Over 13,000

Over 138,000 road casualties have been reported across the UK in the past 10 years in the month of December alone, averaging at 13,842 casualties every December. Christmas festivities are in full swing, which means lights, alcohol and icy roads, all...

What is a 'No Further Action' Letter?

If you are released under investigation or released on pre-charge bail after being interviewed by the police, you will either receive a postal requisition or a summons to attend the Magistrates’ Court, or you will receive a ‘no further...
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