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What is a suspended prison sentence in the UK?

If you are given a custodial sentence, the judge or magistrates presiding over your case may choose to ‘suspend’ this sentence for up to two years. This will depend on your circumstances and if certain criteria are fulfilled. We have obtained...

Marital Rape Law in the UK: A guide

Rape is an offence that most people are acutely aware of. However, the concept of ‘marital rape’ is not as widely discussed, which can result in some confusion when these types of allegations are raised. Marital rape is extremely serious, with...

Section 5 firearm offences: A Guide

Section 5 of the Firearms Act 1968 is concerned with the possession, purchase and acquisition of prohibited firearms. This is a complex piece of legislation and failing to properly understand its terms could result in a criminal offence being committed, even...

Assault on an emergency worker: Consequences and sentencing

Assault on emergency workers is treated more seriously under the law than assault on ordinary members of the public. The maximum sentence on conviction is two years’ imprisonment, so it is essential to have the best possible defence if you are charged...

ABH charge: What's the likely outcome?

If you are facing an ABH charge, the likely outcome can vary considerably. One of the most important factors that can affect your chances of avoiding conviction, or the type of ABH sentence you receive on conviction, is the quality of your legal defence. It...

What Is Mortgage Fraud?

Mortgage fraud is a criminal offence whereby someone obtains a mortgage by providing false information in relation to a mortgage application. This is sometimes called ‘obtaining a mortgage by deception’. Even the smallest piece of false...

What Are Confiscation Proceedings?

Confiscation proceedings are a way for prosecutors to deprive people convicted of an offence of any benefit they may have received from the offence (sometimes called ‘proceeds of crime’). A confiscation order will be made, requiring the convicted...

What happens in an HMRC fraud investigation?

Learning that HMRC are investigating you for fraud is likely to be a very scary situation and it is important to realise that there can be very serious penalties. Understanding the situation you are facing and getting the right legal support are both...

Assaulting a police officer: Consequences and sentencing

Assaulting a police officer is treated differently under the law than assaulting a member of the public. You could be sentenced to up to two years in prison if convicted, so it is essential to get the very best legal defence if you are arrested or charged...

What is the Sentence for Manslaughter in the UK?

Manslaughter is one of the most serious criminal offences one can commit and the penalties on conviction can be severe. That said, in some scenarios, a conviction for manslaughter may be the best available option, such as where a defendant is originally...
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