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Driving Without Due Care and Attention

Drivers on UK roads are held to certain standards. Failing to uphold these standards by driving without due care and attention can potentially land you in hot water. But what does driving without due care and attention actually mean? And what is the penalty...

How Long Is A Life Sentence In The UK?

In the UK, life sentences can be handed out when someone is convicted of a serious crime. However, what actually constitutes a life sentence can vary from case to case. Life sentences do not necessarily mean that someone has to spend their entire life in...

What is Encrochat?

EncroChat was a European communication network and service provider that, from 2020 onwards, has been at the centre of a large number of arrests. EncroChat was found to have been used as a ‘criminal marketplace’, where users could hide their...

What Is A Section 18 Assault?

The Offences against the Person Act 1861 covers a wide range of assault offences. This includes ‘Section 18 assaults’. Section 18 assaults are a form of grievous bodily harm (GBH). More specifically, Section 18 assaults refer to causing GBH with...

What Is The Sexual Offences Act 2003?

The Sexual Offences Act 2003 makes provisions for sexual offences in the UK, being used to define and determine the severity of these offences. If you are accused of a sexual offence in the UK, it is likely that you will be charged under the Sexual Offences...

What Is The Sentence For Attempted Murder?

 Attempted murder is a serious criminal offence. As a consequence, the potential sentences for attempted murder can be correspondingly severe. If you are facing a charge for attempted murder, we understand how daunting this is likely to be. We also...

Caution Plus 3 Voluntary Police Interview Guide Representation

Have you or a loved one been asked to attend a caution plus 3 voluntary interview with police or another UK law enforcement agency? If so, you may be wondering exactly what this is, how it’s different to being arrested, and what you need to do to ...

Murder VS Manslaughter: What's the difference?

Murder and manslaughter are among the most serious criminal offences. However, it is not always easy to know the difference between these two types of offence. Here at JD Spicer Zeb Solicitors, we understand how important it is for clients to understand the...

Perverting the course of justice: Sentencing guidelines

Perverting the course of justice is a serious criminal offence. If you are facing a charge of perverting the course of justice, it is important to understand the sentencing guidelines for the offence and what the potential consequences could be if you are...

How to get drug possession charges dropped according to UK law?

The prospect of facing a drug possession charge can be extremely daunting, particularly if you are a first-time offender. You may understandably be concerned about the type of penalty you might receive and what impact this will have on your life moving...
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