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Section 18 causing grievous bodily harm - Dropped - 2020

James O’Donnell and Umar Zeb, represented a defendant charged with s.18 GBH. it was alleged  defendant and 3 others forced entry into the victim’s home address and armed themselves with a sword. Victim was attacked by all 4 men in a sustained assault which caused substantial bruising, lacerations and a fractured eye socket. The defendant was linked to the scene by his fingerprint being left inside the property and was later picked out on an ID parade. The evidence against the Defendant was strong. The Prosecution stated that the assault had a starting point of 12 years if found guilty after trial. Our firm and instructed Counsel were able to negotiate with the prosecution a plea deal for a s.20 GBH [which carries a maximum of 5  years in custody]. The prosecution offered no evidence on the charged of s.18 GBH. Following an agreed basis of plea and the Defendant was sentenced to 2 years in custody.


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