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      • Umar Zeb
      • Senior Partner - Head of Private Client Crime
      • London
      • Crime
      • 020 7624 7771
      • View profile
  • Lisa Nicol
      • Lisa Nicol
      • Managing Partner - Head of Crime & Serious Cases
      • London
      • Crime
      • 020 7624 771
      • View profile
      • Personal Injury
      • 0207 624 7771
      • View profile
      • Crime
      • 020 762 47771
      • View profile
      • Crime
      • 020 7624 7771
      • View profile
      • Family
      • 0207 624 7771
      • View profile

Former Partner - Senior Consultant

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Recent Cases

There is limited recourse for you if you are falsely accused. Click a selection of the cases we have covered. The best thing you can do is to instruct an excellent solicitor from the outset.

R v N M - client acquitted of rape

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